Make your neighborhood green with envy by trusting Neilsen’s Painting with all your house painting needs.
Master Painters Awards for Excellence are presented to individuals who represent the highest standards of trade craftsmanship and ethical business practice. These awards cast a spotlight on painter’s projects, showcasing works from a decorative wall to a multi story project, acknowledging these talented individuals as a finalist or winner in the painting category.
At Neilsen's Painting, we've been recognized with multiple Master Painters Awards for Excellence. These prestigious awards acknowledge our exceptional work in categories such as Heritage Restoration, Exterior Repaint, Interior Repaint, and we are proud winners of the esteemed 2023 Master Painter of the Year.
Master Painters QLD Member
Taubmans Professional Painter
Queensland Building and Construction Commission
The Master Painters Association of Queensland will only accept professionals into its membership who are trained and licensed to the leading industry standards, and requires all members to conduct their business activities according to the Master Painters Code of Ethics.
Taubmans Certified Painters have been selected for their reputation of premium and reliable workmanship and sets them apart from the rest.
The QBCC provides information, advice and regulation to ensure the maintenance of proper building standards for defective building work.